How To Make Orange Juice Procedure Text

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  1. How To Make Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
  2. How To Make Orange Juice Procedure Text Messages
  3. Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice Dan Artinya
  4. Text Procedure How To Make Orange Juice

Guava is a fruit that contains an impressive list of nutrients and brings some impressive health benefits that many remain unaware of. There are many intriguing recipes involving guava, but this fruit also makes an excellent and filling guava juice.

This tropical fruit can be found growing native in South America, Central America, and Mexico and is cultivated in tropic and sub-tropic climate areas around the world (available january-february and may-october).

Homemade Strawberry Juice is healthy and very irresistible. It is very easy to make that even 10 year old can make it. Just add all ingredients in the blender and blend it. And serve it immediately with ice cubes. Once you start making it at home, you will never buy bottled one. Trust me on this. Steps/how to make it: First, peel the orange fruit and separated into small part. Next, Enter the orange fruit into blender. After that, add water into blender and also sugar. Turn on the blender and blend into one. After ready, pour into glass and for garnish you can add mint leaves. Ready to served. So, thats about how to make orange juice.

Nutrients Found in Guava

The amount of nutrients guava contains makes it surprising that this fruit is not as widely talked about when discussions of promoting good health arise. This fruit is full of powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and has a good dose of fiber as well.

Antioxidants – The amount of lycopene in guava is very abundant, being twice as much as the amount found in tomatoes.

A carotenoid, lycopene is naturally found in the human body. Although not an essential nutrient, it promotes good health by reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Lycopene also lowers the risk of stroke, protects blood vessels even better than CoQ10 or vitamins A and E, as well as boosts the health of the skin and bones. Other antioxidants in guava include vitamins A, C, and E.

Vitamins – In addition to the vitamins that can be classified as antioxidants, guava features a moderate amount of B vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, niacin.

The amount of folic acid guava contains makes it a highly recommended fruit for pregnant women, as one cup of it has 81 micrograms. Vitamin K is another vitamin found in guava, at an amount of 4.3 micrograms per cup.

Minerals – One of the reasons bananas are so good for the body is the amount of potassium they contain.

Yet guava contains even more potassium, pound for pound. Being a rich source of potassium, each guava fruit contains an impressive 229 mg of this mineral. Other minerals in guava include copper, magnesium, and manganese.

Fiber – For sake of good colon health, among other things, it's important that diets include a sufficient amount of fiber. Guava contains a generous amount of fiber, having 5.4 grams per every 100 grams of fruit.

Guava Health Benefits

It's a little-known fact that guava is classified as a superfood. There are many benefits to including guava in a regular diet. First, it helps to normalize the digestive system and keeping it clean of cancer-causing toxins.

Guava helps to ward off many types of cancer and diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and, finally, diverticulitis. It's a great cure for constipation and even helps to improve eye health.

How to Choose Guava Fruit

The goodness of the juice depends heavily on picking the best fruit. Using guava that isn't ripe enough can result in a juice that's sour to the taste and the firmness of the fruit can make chopping and juicing difficult.

As guava ripens, the fruit becomes softer and sweeter. When making juice, slightly over ripe guava is the way to go.

Handle and smell the fruit. It should be only a bit soft when pressure is applied to it and the aroma of the fruit should be detectable even without having to put the fruit up to your nose.

Preparing and Drinking Guava Juice

How to make guava juice? Guava juice is not something commonly found in the average supermarket. Those who love juicing wouldn't want to buy guava juice anyway. They recognize the benefits of making it at home, such as quality assurance, less contaminants, and the preservation of nutrients.

Because of the way guava juice is made, there's no need to worry about missing out on the helpful amount of fiber the fruit contains. When making guava juice, first be sure to wash the fruit thoroughly.

Then cut of the ends. If you're using a blender to make the juice, you might want to peel the fruit like a potato, but it's not necessary when using a juicer.

Also, it might be necessary to add water to the mix when using a blender. The more water you add, the thinner the juice will be, but remember that you're also thinning out the nutrients. Simply put the fruit in first and blend it intermittently then adding water as desired.

If using a juicer, simply insert the chopped up fruit and the machine will do the rest. Depending on the type of juicer you use, probably there may be guava seeds in the juice. These are fine to consume, but you might not enjoy the texture. The seeds can be strained out through a cheese cloth.

Nutrition Fact of Guava Fruit

How To Make Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

The content of guava fruit (100 gr):

  • Calories 49 cal
  • Vitamin A 25 SI
  • Calcium 14 mg
  • Vitamin B1 0.02 mg
  • Hydrate Charcoal 12.2 grams
  • Vitamin C 87 mg
  • Phosphorus 28 mg
  • Iron 1.1 mg Protein0.9 mg
  • 0.3 grams of fat
  • Water 86 grams

Guava Cocktails

(from: Absolut Drinks)

Absolut Jacobs's

Glass type: Highball Glass

Taste: Fresh, Herb


  • 3 Parts Guava Juice
  • 1 Part Simple Syrup
  • 2 Slices Jackfruit
How to make orange juice procedure texts

How to mix: muddle jackfruit and simple syrup in a shaker then add guava juice. Fill with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice.

Tropical Fruit Punch

Glass type: Highball Glass

Taste: Fruity


  • Pineapple Juice 4 Parts
  • Guava Juice 2 Parts
  • Orange Juice 1 Part
  • Lime Juice 1 Part
  • one Wedge Lime
  • 1 Leaf Pineapple

How to mix: first of all, fill a highball glass with ice cubes then add all ingredients. Stir. Garnish with lime and pineapple. Guava Cocktail

Tequila Guyaba

Glass type: Rocks Glass

Taste: Fresh, Fruity, Sour, Sweet

Non-alcoholic alternative: Virgin Mary


  • 3 Parts Tequila
  • Guava Juice 1 Part
  • Lime Juice 1 Part
  • Orange Juice 1 Part
  • 1 Peel Orange

How to mix: first of all, fill a shaker with ice cubes, then add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled rocks glass filled with ice cubes. Garnish with orange.

Selamat malam sobat.
Tak terasa kita sudah sampai lagi pada materi procedure text. Tentu sobat sudah paham betul kan tentang materi ini. yap, procedure text yaitu teks yang memberikan petunjuk atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ketika sobat membaca sebuah text, cara memasak mie instant, cara membuat nasi goreng, cara membuat jus melon, cara membuat kue bolu, dan sebagainya itulah procedure text. Akan tetapi procedure text sebenarnya tidak sebatas cara membuat makanan dan minuman saja, tetapi segala sesuatu yang menjelaskan cara melakukan, membuat, mengoprasikan, cara bermain, cara belajar, dsb. misalnya cara menggunakan komputer, cara menyetrika pakaian, cara mencuci dengan mesin cuci, cara bermain game, dsb.

Procedure text terdiri dari tiga bagian utama, yaitu Purpose, material/ingradient/equipment, dan direction/step. Purpose yaitu tujuan, misalnya cara membuat jus melon, material yaitu bahan yang digunakan, misalnya melon, mangga, ingradien yaitu bumbunya, equipment yaitu peralatannya, dan direction atau step yaitu langkah langkahnya. misalnya pertama-tama, kupas melon kecil-kecil, masukkan ke blender, dst. Itulah gambaran singkat mengenai procedure text.
Jika ingin lebih paham dan mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lengkap, silahkan baca penjelasan mengenai prosedure text ini.

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan contoh prosedur text sederhana :
Setelah kalian memahami procedure text mulai dari pengertian, tujuan, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan, kali ini akan dijelaskan pula contoh procedure text yang sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Insert Sim Card

'How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone'

Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work until the SIM card is inserted.

When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow :

First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.

After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.

Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.

Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.

Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place

Don't forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

'Cara Memasukkan Kartu Sim ke Dalam Ponsel'

Ponsel adalah perangkat komunikasi modern yang menghubungkan orang satu dengan yang lain melalui suara, pesan tertulis dan data. Namun perangkat ini tidak bisa bekerja sampai kartu SIM dimasukkan.

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Saat memasukkan Kartu SIM ke ponsel, pastikan ponsel telah dimatikan dan ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

Pertama-tama, tekan pengunci ponsel bagian belakang dan geser penutup lalu lepaskan penutup dari ponsel.

Setelah itu, dorong dua pengunci ke arah yang berlawanan dan lepaskan baterai.

Selanjutnya, geser kartu SIM dengan hati-hati ke dalam slot dan pastikan penyambungan sinyal yaitu bagian emas telah menghadap ke konektor ponsel.

Kemudian, letakkan baterai dan luruskan sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.

Terakhir, masukkan kedua tangkai slot pengunci belakang sesuai slot di ponsel dan geser penutup depan tombol telepon sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.

Jangan lupa menyalakan ponsel. Tunggu sampai siap digunakan.

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Make Pancake

Dibawah ini akan dijelaskan menganai contoh procedure text dan artinya agar mempermudah kamu dalam mempelajari teks prosedur ini.

'How to Make a Pancake'


  • 3 – 4 spoonful of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk
  • 1 stick of butter


  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 2 table spoons
  • 2 cups
  • 1 small pan


  • Put the flour in the bowl.
  • Put milk in a cup.
  • Make sure it's 250 ml of milk.
  • Put the milk in the bowl.
  • Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.
  • Mix it with a spoon.
  • Heat up the pan and put the butter
  • Put the mix in the pan.
  • Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
  • Flip pancake over when the top is brown.
  • Your pancake its ready to be serve

'Cara Membuat Pancake'


  • 3 – 4 sendok tepung
  • 2 telur
  • 1 ½ (250 ml) susu
  • 1 tongkat mentega


  • 1 mangkuk pencampur
  • 2 sendok makan
  • 2 cangkir
  • 1 panci kecil


  • Masukkan tepung kedalam mangkuk.
  • Tuangkan susu ke dalam cangkir.
  • Pastikan susu yang dituangkan sebanyak 250ml.
  • Masukkan susu ke dalam mangkuk.
  • Pecahkan 2 butir telur ke dalam mangkuk.
  • Campur bahan bahan tadi dan aduk dengan sendok.
  • Panaskan wajan dan masukkan mentega
  • Letakkan bahan adonan didalam panci.
  • Biarkan pancake mix matang sekitar 5 menit
  • Panaskan pancake saat bagian atas berwarna coklat.
  • Pancake Anda siap untuk disajikan

Contoh Procedure Text dan Artinya – How To Make 'Selat Solo'

How to Make the Delicious and Savory 'Selat Solo'

Ingredients for the stew (soup):

  • 1 whole clove
  • 1 whole nutmeg
  • 100 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 clove thinly sliced garlic
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 30 gr thinly sliced onion

Materials for the content and complementary:

  • 100 g boiled carrot (cut lengthwise)
  • 100 g pickled cucumber
  • 4 pieces of lettuce
  • 100 grams of fries
  • 2 boiled eggs which have been peeled
  • 200 grams of meat
  • 100 grams of boiled beans cut lengthwise

Ingredients for the sauce mustard:

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of cooking vinegar
  • 1 boiled yolks which has been smoothed
  • 1 teaspoon mustard paste
How To Make Orange Juice Procedure Text

How to make selat solo:

  • Meat that has been cleaned up, is cut into thin crosswise ¾ cm.
  • Heat the margarine until melted and saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
  • Insert the meat and stir until the meat changes its color.
  • Next, enter the soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce; do not forget to add salt and cloves, nutmeg and pepper.
  • Add the water and cook until boiling.
  • Enter the boiled eggs
  • After the meat is cooked and gravy shrinks, lift it up and set it aside.
  • To make the mustard sauce, all the sauce ingredients are mixed and stir until it is evenly distributed.

For the Serving:

  • Arrange the lettuce, boiled vegetables, and fries.
  • Add the sliced meat and give pickles.
  • Add the eggs and mustard sauce.
  • Flush with a splash of gravy and selat solo is ready to serve.

Cara Membuat Selat Solo Lezat dan Gurih

Bahan untuk semur (kuah) :

  • 1 butir cengkeh
  • 1 butir pala
  • 100 ml kecap manis
  • sendok makan kecap inggris 1
  • garam secukupnya
  • 1 siung iris tipis bawang putih
  • ½ sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1 sendok makan margarin
  • 30 gr bawang bombay yang diiris tipis
  • Bahan untuk isi dan pelengkap :
  • 100 gr wortel rebus (potong memanjang)
  • 100 gr acar mentimun
  • 4 lembar daun selada
  • 100 gr kentang goreng
  • 2 butir telur ayam rebus yang sudah dikupas
  • 200 gram daging
  • 100 gr buncis rebus yang dipotong memanjang

Bahan untuk saus murstard:

  • 1 sendok teh gula pasir
  • garam secukupnya
  • 1 sendok teh cuka masak
  • 1 butir kuning telur rebus yang sudah dihaluskan
  • 1 sendok teh pasta mustard

Cara membuat selat solo :

  • Daging yang sudah dibersihkan, potong secara melintang tipis ¾ cm.
  • Panaskan margarin hingga leleh lalu tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
  • Masukkan daging lalu aduk sampai daging berubah warna.
  • Selanjutnya masukkan kecap manis, kecap inggris, jangan lupa tambahkan garam dan cengkeh, pala serta merica.
  • Tambahkan air dan masak hingga mendidih.
  • Masukkan telur ayam yang telah direbus.
  • Setelah daging matang dan kuah menyusut lalu angkat dan sisihkan.
  • Untuk membuat saus murstard, semua bahan saus cempur jadikan satu lalu aduk hingga merata.

Untuk penyajiannya :

  • Tata daun selada lalu sayur-sayuran rebus serta kentang goreng,
  • Tambahkan irisan daging dan beri acar.
  • Tambahkan telur serta saus mustard.
  • Siram dengan siraman kuah dan selat solo siap disajikan.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make a Hot Coffee

How to Make a Glass of Coffee

Materials :

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Coffee
  • Glass,
  • Spoon
  • Kettle

Steps :

  • Boil the water First
  • Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
  • Next, pour the hot water into a glass
  • Then, stir it gently
  • Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

Cara Membuat Kopi

Alat dan bahan

  • Air
  • Gula
  • Kopi
  • Gelas
  • Sendok
  • Teko

Langkah-langkah :

  • Rebus air terlebih dahulu hingga matang.
  • Lalu, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua sendok gelas. Masukkan ke dalam gelas
  • Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas
  • Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
  • Terakhr, kopi siap untuk diminum

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Make Banana Jam

How to Make Banana Jam


  • 3 peeled bananas
  • 1 cup of sugar or artificial sugar
  • 1/3 a cup of water


  • First, put all those things out in front of you.
  • Next, take the peeled bananas and slice the banana into very thin pieces. Put them aside in a bowl.
  • Then, fill the pot with 1 cup of sugar and stir it continuously.
  • Next, cook until brown in medium heat. Don't step away for more than 10 seconds because this will burn if you don't watch it carefully.
  • Once brown, add 1/3 a cup of water and the sliced banana you put aside. Don't forget to keep stirring on low heat.
  • When no banana pieces are noticeable, turn off heat.
  • After that, put in a container or covered bowl and put in the fridge until chilled.
  • Finally, frozen banana jelly or jam finished.

Cara Membuat Selai Pisang


  • 3 buah pisang yang telah dikupas
  • 1 cangkir gula atau gula buatan
  • 1/3 cangkir air


  • Pertama, simpan alat dan bahan pada meja yang mudah dijangkau.
  • Selanjutnya, ambil pisang yang telah dikupas dan iris pisang menjadi potongan-potongan yang sangat tipis. Sisihkan mereka dalam sebuah mangkuk.
  • Kemudian, isi panci dengan 1 cangkir gula dan aduk terus menerus.
  • Selanjutnya, masak sampai kecokelatan dengan api sedang. Jangan tinggalkan selama lebih dari 10 detik karena ini akan membakar jika Anda tidak perhatikan dengan hati-hati.
  • Setelah kecokelatan, tambahkan 1/3 cangkir air dan irisan pisang yang Anda telah sisihkan. Jangan lupa untuk terus mengaduk pada suhu panas rendah.
  • Bila sudah tidak ada potongan pisang yang terlihat (halus), matikan api.
  • Setelah itu, masukkan ke dalam sebuah wadah atau tutupi mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam lemari es sampai dingin.
  • Akhirnya, jelly pisang beku atau selai telah jadi.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make a Cup Milo

How to Make a Cup Milo


  • Powdered Milo
  • Hot Water
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk


  • First, put in about 4 tablespoons of Powdered Milo into a cup.
  • Second, add Hot Water until it reaches about 3/4 of the cup.
  • Third, stir and make sure all of the Powdered Milo is dissolved.
  • Next, add in 3 tablespoons of Sweetened Condensed Milk and stir.
  • Then, add in some Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk. Its amount should be around 1/10 of the cup.
  • Finally, Add a little more Hot Water until nearly full and stir once more.

Cara Membuat Milo Cup


  • Bubuk Milo
  • Air Panas
  • Susu kental manis
  • Susu Segar / Susu pasteurisasi


  • Pertama, masukkan ke dalam sekitar 4 sendok makan bubuk Milo ke dalam cangkir.
  • Kedua, tambahkan air panas hingga mencapai sekitar 3/4 cangkir.
  • Ketiga, aduk dan pastikan semua bubuk Milo merata.
  • Selanjutnya, tambahkan 3 sendok makan susu kental manis dan aduk.
  • Kemudian, tambahkan beberapa Fresh Milk / Susu pasteurisasi. Jumlahnya harus sekitar 1/10 dari cangkir.
  • Terakhir, tambahkan lebih sedikit lebih banyak air panas sampai hampir penuh dan aduk sekali lagi.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make Iced Tea

How to Make Iced Tea

Ingredients :

  • Tea bag or tea leaves
  • Sugar
  • Ice cubes
  • Water

Instructions :

  • Boil the water
  • Pour the water into the glass
  • Steep tea
  • Strain the tea if you used loose leaves, or remove the tea bags.
  • Add sugar
  • Add the ice cubes
  • Serve and enjoy.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Makanan – How To Make a Special Fried Rice

How to Make Special Fried Rice with Egg

Ingredients :

  • Salt as you wish
  • Cayenne pepper as you wish
  • The sauce as you wish. It can be tomato sauce, spicy sauce, or ketchup
  • Pepper as you wish
  • Cooking oil as you wish
  • The second plate of white rice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 points Eggs / as you wish
  • 2 cloves Shallot

Complement: chicken, sausage, baksi, shrimp, nuggets or to taste.

  • Blend the spices including onion, garlic, chili, pepper, and salt.
  • Pour enough oil into skillet and heat.
  • Once hot, add the mashed spice, stir until fragrant scent.
  • Add the eggs and stir until cooked.
  • Enter the supplement ingredients according to your taste, and stir until evenly distributed and mature.
  • Enter the white rice and stir until mixed with all the condiments and complementary materials.
  • If you smell fragrant, lift the rice and serve it on a plate.
  • In order to attract special egg fried rice can be added decoration. And ready to be served.

Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Telur Spesial

Bahan-bahan :

  • Garam secukupnya
  • Cabai rawit sesuai selera
  • Saus sesuai selera saus tomat, saus pedas, atau kecap
  • Merica sesuai selera
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya
  • 2 piring Nasi putih
  • 2 siung Bawang putih
  • 2 butir Telur / sesuai selera
  • 2 Siung Bawang merah

Pelengkap : daging ayam, sosis, baksi, udang, nugget atau sesuai selera.

  • Haluskan bumbu-bumbu meliputi bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, merica, dan garam.
  • Tuangkan minyak goreng secukupnya ke dalam kuali lalu panaskan.
  • Setelah panas, masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan, aduk hingga tercium aroma harum.
  • Masukkan telur dan oseng hingga matang.
  • Masukkan bahan pelengkap sesuai selera anda, dan aduk hingga merata dan matang.
  • Masukkan nasi putih dan aduk hingga tercampur dengan semua bumbu dan bahan pelengkap.
  • Jika tercium bau harum, angkat nasi dan sajikan di atas piring.
  • Agar menarik nasi goreng telur spesial bisa ditambahkan hiasan. Dan siap untuk disajikan.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make Iced Cappuccino

Blended Iced Cappuccino


  • whipped cream (optional)
  • 1/2 cup of strong coffee
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • 1/4 cup of cream
  • 2 cup skim milk


  • First, brew a cup of coffee and let it cool.
  • Then, put the ice cubes in the blender and pour the coffee over them.
  • Next, add milk, sugar, and cream.
  • After that, blend them all on medium speed until the ice is completely crushed.
  • Next, pour the mixture into a glass.
  • Finally, top it off with whipped cream.

Cara Membuat Kapucino Es Blend


  • whipped cream (opsional)
  • 1/2 secangkir kopi kental
  • 3 sendok makan gula
  • 1 cangkir es batu
  • 1/4 cangkir krim
  • 2 cangkir susu skim

Petunjuk Penyajian

  • Pertama, seduh secangkir kopi dan biarkan dingin.
  • Kemudian, masukan es batu dalam blender dan tuangkan kopi.
  • Selanjutnya, tambahkan susu, gula, dan krim.
  • Setelah itu, campur mereka semua pada kecepatan sedang sampai es benar-benar hancur.
  • Berikutnya, tuangkan campuran ke dalam gelas.
  • Akhirnya, hias bagian atas permukaanya dengan whipped cream.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Makanan – How To Make Chicken Soup

How To Make Chicken Soup


  • 350 grams chicken chunk
  • 2carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • 5 stalks celery
  • 1 red tomato
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 spoons of cooking oil for sauteing


  • 5 onions
  • 2 garlic
  • 3 candlenuts
  • ½ teaspoon of pepper
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar


  • Combine the chicken and water. Clean the chicken then drain it.
  • Turn on the stove, stir-fry the spices and cooking oil.
  • Add water and wait until it boiling, then add the chicken.
  • While chicken is simmering, prepare the vegetables: peel the carrots and potatoes. Chop into a few chunks.
  • Add the vegetables to the soup.Roughly 30 minutes then add tomato and celery.
  • Turn off the stove and chicken soup is ready to be served.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Do Something – How To Make A Pencil Box

How To Make A Pencil Box

What you need:

  • An empty plastic bottle of water
  • A sharp cutter
  • A piece of white of colorful paper
  • Some glue
  • Some paint


  • Wash the plastic bottle and make sure it has been clean when you use it
  • Cut the bottle into two halves
  • Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper
  • If you use white paper, use a paint to color it
  • Now, your pencil box is ready to use

Contoh Procedure Text How To Use – How To Use Camera

How To Use Camera

You need :

  • A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
  • The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)

Steps :

  • Handle the camera and turn on it
  • Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view
  • When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.
  • Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
  • After that, press shutter all the way down.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Use – How To Use Rice Cooker

How To Use Rice Cooker

You need :

  • Rice cooker

Directions :

  • Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices.
  • Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the overfill line.
  • Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminum foil.
  • Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer, which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain from lifting the lid to check on it.
  • When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Brownies – How to Make Blackforest Cake

How to Make Blackforest Cake


  • 7 eggs
  • 1 tea spoon of baking powder
  • 1 ½ glass of flour
  • 1 glass of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of chocolate powder
  • 2 tablespoon of melted chocolate
  • 250 gram of melted butter


  • Prepare a big bowl, pour eggs, baking powder and sugar.
  • Mix them till smooth
  • Pour the melted chocolate, chocolate powder and melted butter.
  • Stir well with the spatula
  • After you prepare the baking pan which cover with the butter and flour, pour the dough into it
  • Bake it for 30 minutes
  • The blackforest cake is ready to be served

Contoh Procedure Text How To Do Something – How To Make A Kite

How To Make A Kite

Materials :

  • 3 pieces of cane
  • Thread
  • Large sheet of strong paper (e.g. tissue)
  • Soft pencil
  • Scissors
  • Paint and paintbrush
  • Glue
  • Strong string
  • Procedure :
  • The Frame
  • Dampen the cane to make flexible
  • Carefully, bend the cane to desired shape then tie securely with thread

The Covering

  • Lay the frame on sheet of paper
  • Trace around frame with pencil
  • Cut covering approximately 1 cm larger than the outline
  • Paint bird on covering (e.g. bowl)
  • When paint is dry, place the frame on unpainted side.
  • Now, fold edges of covering over the frame carefully, and glue them down.

The Bridle

  • Cut 3 pieces of string, each 20 cm long.
  • Secure one end of each string tightly to frame at the shoulders and tail of the bird.
  • Then, tie the other ends in a knot.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Benda – How To Operate TV

How To Operate TV

Instructions :

  • Plug the cable television into electricity
  • After that, press the power button to turn on the television
  • Wait untill the televison show the picture
  • Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote.
  • Set the volume use the remote or button volume
  • Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Benda – How To Call Person

How To Call Person

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

  • Press the 'power' button.
  • Search the name of the person that you want to call in contact list or press the number you want to call
  • Press the call button (green button)
  • Wait until the other accept your call
  • Start the conversation.
  • Press the 'Call Off' button to end the conversation (red button)

Cara Melakukan Panggilan Handphone

Jika kamu ingin menelepon seseorang, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

  • Tekan tombol 'power'.
  • Cari nama orang yang ingin anda telepon pada daftar kontak atau tekan nomor yang anda ingin telepon
  • Tekan tombol panggil (tombol hijau)
  • Tunggu hingga yang lain menerima panggilan anda
  • Mulai obrolan
  • Tekan tombol 'Call Off' untuk mengakhiri percakapan (tombol merah)

Contoh Procedure Text Beserta Gambarnya dan Artinya – How to serve Koko Crunch

How to serve Koko Crunch



  • A package of Koko Krunch
  • A glass of hot water
  • Steps:
  • Open the packaging lid
  • Take a spoon and milk in plastic packaging
  • Open the coco crunch then input into a plastic cup
  • Open the milk then sprinkle into the cup
  • Add hot water to taste
  • Stir until evenly
  • Serve

Cara Menyajikan Koko Crunch


  • Satu box Koko Krunch
  • Susu
  • Segelas air hangat


  • Buka kemasan tutup
  • Ambil sendok dan susu dalam kemasan plastik
  • Buka koko crunch kemudian masukan ke dalam cangkir plastik
  • Buka susu lalu siramkan ke dalam cangkir
  • Tambahkan air hangat secukupnya
  • Aduk sampai merata
  • Sajikan

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Brownies

How To Make Brownies

Ingredients :

  • 200grams butter
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


  • Turn the oven to 180C and line a 30x20cm tin with baking paper (or grease it).
  • In a medium sized saucepan, put the butter and cocoa. Melt it gently and make
  • sure you don't boil it.
  • Add the sugar and the vanilla, and stir it in well.
  • Take the mixture off the heat and sift in the flour. Stir it in well.
  • Add the eggs, beating them in really well.
  • If using them, add the chopped walnuts and stir them in,
  • Spread the mixture in the tin. Bake for 20 – 25minutes.

Contoh Procedure Text Beserta Gambarnya dan Artinya – How To Make Meatballs

How to Make Meatballs

How To Make Orange Juice Procedure Text Messages


  • 1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper
  • 300 grams of tapioca-flour
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 eggs

How to mix: muddle jackfruit and simple syrup in a shaker then add guava juice. Fill with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice.

Tropical Fruit Punch

Glass type: Highball Glass

Taste: Fruity


  • Pineapple Juice 4 Parts
  • Guava Juice 2 Parts
  • Orange Juice 1 Part
  • Lime Juice 1 Part
  • one Wedge Lime
  • 1 Leaf Pineapple

How to mix: first of all, fill a highball glass with ice cubes then add all ingredients. Stir. Garnish with lime and pineapple. Guava Cocktail

Tequila Guyaba

Glass type: Rocks Glass

Taste: Fresh, Fruity, Sour, Sweet

Non-alcoholic alternative: Virgin Mary


  • 3 Parts Tequila
  • Guava Juice 1 Part
  • Lime Juice 1 Part
  • Orange Juice 1 Part
  • 1 Peel Orange

How to mix: first of all, fill a shaker with ice cubes, then add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled rocks glass filled with ice cubes. Garnish with orange.

Selamat malam sobat.
Tak terasa kita sudah sampai lagi pada materi procedure text. Tentu sobat sudah paham betul kan tentang materi ini. yap, procedure text yaitu teks yang memberikan petunjuk atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ketika sobat membaca sebuah text, cara memasak mie instant, cara membuat nasi goreng, cara membuat jus melon, cara membuat kue bolu, dan sebagainya itulah procedure text. Akan tetapi procedure text sebenarnya tidak sebatas cara membuat makanan dan minuman saja, tetapi segala sesuatu yang menjelaskan cara melakukan, membuat, mengoprasikan, cara bermain, cara belajar, dsb. misalnya cara menggunakan komputer, cara menyetrika pakaian, cara mencuci dengan mesin cuci, cara bermain game, dsb.

Procedure text terdiri dari tiga bagian utama, yaitu Purpose, material/ingradient/equipment, dan direction/step. Purpose yaitu tujuan, misalnya cara membuat jus melon, material yaitu bahan yang digunakan, misalnya melon, mangga, ingradien yaitu bumbunya, equipment yaitu peralatannya, dan direction atau step yaitu langkah langkahnya. misalnya pertama-tama, kupas melon kecil-kecil, masukkan ke blender, dst. Itulah gambaran singkat mengenai procedure text.
Jika ingin lebih paham dan mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lengkap, silahkan baca penjelasan mengenai prosedure text ini.

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan contoh prosedur text sederhana :
Setelah kalian memahami procedure text mulai dari pengertian, tujuan, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan, kali ini akan dijelaskan pula contoh procedure text yang sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Insert Sim Card

'How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone'

Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work until the SIM card is inserted.

When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow :

First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.

After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.

Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.

Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.

Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place

Don't forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

'Cara Memasukkan Kartu Sim ke Dalam Ponsel'

Ponsel adalah perangkat komunikasi modern yang menghubungkan orang satu dengan yang lain melalui suara, pesan tertulis dan data. Namun perangkat ini tidak bisa bekerja sampai kartu SIM dimasukkan.

Saat memasukkan Kartu SIM ke ponsel, pastikan ponsel telah dimatikan dan ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

Pertama-tama, tekan pengunci ponsel bagian belakang dan geser penutup lalu lepaskan penutup dari ponsel.

Setelah itu, dorong dua pengunci ke arah yang berlawanan dan lepaskan baterai.

Selanjutnya, geser kartu SIM dengan hati-hati ke dalam slot dan pastikan penyambungan sinyal yaitu bagian emas telah menghadap ke konektor ponsel.

Kemudian, letakkan baterai dan luruskan sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.

Terakhir, masukkan kedua tangkai slot pengunci belakang sesuai slot di ponsel dan geser penutup depan tombol telepon sampai terkunci pada tempatnya.

Jangan lupa menyalakan ponsel. Tunggu sampai siap digunakan.

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Make Pancake

Dibawah ini akan dijelaskan menganai contoh procedure text dan artinya agar mempermudah kamu dalam mempelajari teks prosedur ini.

'How to Make a Pancake'


  • 3 – 4 spoonful of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk
  • 1 stick of butter


  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 2 table spoons
  • 2 cups
  • 1 small pan


  • Put the flour in the bowl.
  • Put milk in a cup.
  • Make sure it's 250 ml of milk.
  • Put the milk in the bowl.
  • Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.
  • Mix it with a spoon.
  • Heat up the pan and put the butter
  • Put the mix in the pan.
  • Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
  • Flip pancake over when the top is brown.
  • Your pancake its ready to be serve

'Cara Membuat Pancake'


  • 3 – 4 sendok tepung
  • 2 telur
  • 1 ½ (250 ml) susu
  • 1 tongkat mentega


  • 1 mangkuk pencampur
  • 2 sendok makan
  • 2 cangkir
  • 1 panci kecil


  • Masukkan tepung kedalam mangkuk.
  • Tuangkan susu ke dalam cangkir.
  • Pastikan susu yang dituangkan sebanyak 250ml.
  • Masukkan susu ke dalam mangkuk.
  • Pecahkan 2 butir telur ke dalam mangkuk.
  • Campur bahan bahan tadi dan aduk dengan sendok.
  • Panaskan wajan dan masukkan mentega
  • Letakkan bahan adonan didalam panci.
  • Biarkan pancake mix matang sekitar 5 menit
  • Panaskan pancake saat bagian atas berwarna coklat.
  • Pancake Anda siap untuk disajikan

Contoh Procedure Text dan Artinya – How To Make 'Selat Solo'

How to Make the Delicious and Savory 'Selat Solo'

Ingredients for the stew (soup):

  • 1 whole clove
  • 1 whole nutmeg
  • 100 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 clove thinly sliced garlic
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 30 gr thinly sliced onion

Materials for the content and complementary:

  • 100 g boiled carrot (cut lengthwise)
  • 100 g pickled cucumber
  • 4 pieces of lettuce
  • 100 grams of fries
  • 2 boiled eggs which have been peeled
  • 200 grams of meat
  • 100 grams of boiled beans cut lengthwise

Ingredients for the sauce mustard:

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of cooking vinegar
  • 1 boiled yolks which has been smoothed
  • 1 teaspoon mustard paste

How to make selat solo:

  • Meat that has been cleaned up, is cut into thin crosswise ¾ cm.
  • Heat the margarine until melted and saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
  • Insert the meat and stir until the meat changes its color.
  • Next, enter the soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce; do not forget to add salt and cloves, nutmeg and pepper.
  • Add the water and cook until boiling.
  • Enter the boiled eggs
  • After the meat is cooked and gravy shrinks, lift it up and set it aside.
  • To make the mustard sauce, all the sauce ingredients are mixed and stir until it is evenly distributed.

For the Serving:

  • Arrange the lettuce, boiled vegetables, and fries.
  • Add the sliced meat and give pickles.
  • Add the eggs and mustard sauce.
  • Flush with a splash of gravy and selat solo is ready to serve.

Cara Membuat Selat Solo Lezat dan Gurih

Bahan untuk semur (kuah) :

  • 1 butir cengkeh
  • 1 butir pala
  • 100 ml kecap manis
  • sendok makan kecap inggris 1
  • garam secukupnya
  • 1 siung iris tipis bawang putih
  • ½ sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1 sendok makan margarin
  • 30 gr bawang bombay yang diiris tipis
  • Bahan untuk isi dan pelengkap :
  • 100 gr wortel rebus (potong memanjang)
  • 100 gr acar mentimun
  • 4 lembar daun selada
  • 100 gr kentang goreng
  • 2 butir telur ayam rebus yang sudah dikupas
  • 200 gram daging
  • 100 gr buncis rebus yang dipotong memanjang

Bahan untuk saus murstard:

  • 1 sendok teh gula pasir
  • garam secukupnya
  • 1 sendok teh cuka masak
  • 1 butir kuning telur rebus yang sudah dihaluskan
  • 1 sendok teh pasta mustard

Cara membuat selat solo :

  • Daging yang sudah dibersihkan, potong secara melintang tipis ¾ cm.
  • Panaskan margarin hingga leleh lalu tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum.
  • Masukkan daging lalu aduk sampai daging berubah warna.
  • Selanjutnya masukkan kecap manis, kecap inggris, jangan lupa tambahkan garam dan cengkeh, pala serta merica.
  • Tambahkan air dan masak hingga mendidih.
  • Masukkan telur ayam yang telah direbus.
  • Setelah daging matang dan kuah menyusut lalu angkat dan sisihkan.
  • Untuk membuat saus murstard, semua bahan saus cempur jadikan satu lalu aduk hingga merata.

Untuk penyajiannya :

  • Tata daun selada lalu sayur-sayuran rebus serta kentang goreng,
  • Tambahkan irisan daging dan beri acar.
  • Tambahkan telur serta saus mustard.
  • Siram dengan siraman kuah dan selat solo siap disajikan.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make a Hot Coffee

How to Make a Glass of Coffee

Materials :

  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Coffee
  • Glass,
  • Spoon
  • Kettle

Steps :

  • Boil the water First
  • Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar. put into a glass
  • Next, pour the hot water into a glass
  • Then, stir it gently
  • Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

Cara Membuat Kopi

Alat dan bahan

  • Air
  • Gula
  • Kopi
  • Gelas
  • Sendok
  • Teko

Langkah-langkah :

  • Rebus air terlebih dahulu hingga matang.
  • Lalu, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua sendok gelas. Masukkan ke dalam gelas
  • Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas
  • Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
  • Terakhr, kopi siap untuk diminum

Contoh Procedure Text Dan Artinya – How To Make Banana Jam

How to Make Banana Jam


  • 3 peeled bananas
  • 1 cup of sugar or artificial sugar
  • 1/3 a cup of water


  • First, put all those things out in front of you.
  • Next, take the peeled bananas and slice the banana into very thin pieces. Put them aside in a bowl.
  • Then, fill the pot with 1 cup of sugar and stir it continuously.
  • Next, cook until brown in medium heat. Don't step away for more than 10 seconds because this will burn if you don't watch it carefully.
  • Once brown, add 1/3 a cup of water and the sliced banana you put aside. Don't forget to keep stirring on low heat.
  • When no banana pieces are noticeable, turn off heat.
  • After that, put in a container or covered bowl and put in the fridge until chilled.
  • Finally, frozen banana jelly or jam finished.

Cara Membuat Selai Pisang


  • 3 buah pisang yang telah dikupas
  • 1 cangkir gula atau gula buatan
  • 1/3 cangkir air


  • Pertama, simpan alat dan bahan pada meja yang mudah dijangkau.
  • Selanjutnya, ambil pisang yang telah dikupas dan iris pisang menjadi potongan-potongan yang sangat tipis. Sisihkan mereka dalam sebuah mangkuk.
  • Kemudian, isi panci dengan 1 cangkir gula dan aduk terus menerus.
  • Selanjutnya, masak sampai kecokelatan dengan api sedang. Jangan tinggalkan selama lebih dari 10 detik karena ini akan membakar jika Anda tidak perhatikan dengan hati-hati.
  • Setelah kecokelatan, tambahkan 1/3 cangkir air dan irisan pisang yang Anda telah sisihkan. Jangan lupa untuk terus mengaduk pada suhu panas rendah.
  • Bila sudah tidak ada potongan pisang yang terlihat (halus), matikan api.
  • Setelah itu, masukkan ke dalam sebuah wadah atau tutupi mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam lemari es sampai dingin.
  • Akhirnya, jelly pisang beku atau selai telah jadi.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make a Cup Milo

How to Make a Cup Milo


  • Powdered Milo
  • Hot Water
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk


  • First, put in about 4 tablespoons of Powdered Milo into a cup.
  • Second, add Hot Water until it reaches about 3/4 of the cup.
  • Third, stir and make sure all of the Powdered Milo is dissolved.
  • Next, add in 3 tablespoons of Sweetened Condensed Milk and stir.
  • Then, add in some Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk. Its amount should be around 1/10 of the cup.
  • Finally, Add a little more Hot Water until nearly full and stir once more.

Cara Membuat Milo Cup


  • Bubuk Milo
  • Air Panas
  • Susu kental manis
  • Susu Segar / Susu pasteurisasi


  • Pertama, masukkan ke dalam sekitar 4 sendok makan bubuk Milo ke dalam cangkir.
  • Kedua, tambahkan air panas hingga mencapai sekitar 3/4 cangkir.
  • Ketiga, aduk dan pastikan semua bubuk Milo merata.
  • Selanjutnya, tambahkan 3 sendok makan susu kental manis dan aduk.
  • Kemudian, tambahkan beberapa Fresh Milk / Susu pasteurisasi. Jumlahnya harus sekitar 1/10 dari cangkir.
  • Terakhir, tambahkan lebih sedikit lebih banyak air panas sampai hampir penuh dan aduk sekali lagi.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make Iced Tea

How to Make Iced Tea

Ingredients :

  • Tea bag or tea leaves
  • Sugar
  • Ice cubes
  • Water

Instructions :

  • Boil the water
  • Pour the water into the glass
  • Steep tea
  • Strain the tea if you used loose leaves, or remove the tea bags.
  • Add sugar
  • Add the ice cubes
  • Serve and enjoy.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Makanan – How To Make a Special Fried Rice

How to Make Special Fried Rice with Egg

Ingredients :

  • Salt as you wish
  • Cayenne pepper as you wish
  • The sauce as you wish. It can be tomato sauce, spicy sauce, or ketchup
  • Pepper as you wish
  • Cooking oil as you wish
  • The second plate of white rice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 points Eggs / as you wish
  • 2 cloves Shallot

Complement: chicken, sausage, baksi, shrimp, nuggets or to taste.

  • Blend the spices including onion, garlic, chili, pepper, and salt.
  • Pour enough oil into skillet and heat.
  • Once hot, add the mashed spice, stir until fragrant scent.
  • Add the eggs and stir until cooked.
  • Enter the supplement ingredients according to your taste, and stir until evenly distributed and mature.
  • Enter the white rice and stir until mixed with all the condiments and complementary materials.
  • If you smell fragrant, lift the rice and serve it on a plate.
  • In order to attract special egg fried rice can be added decoration. And ready to be served.

Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Telur Spesial

Bahan-bahan :

  • Garam secukupnya
  • Cabai rawit sesuai selera
  • Saus sesuai selera saus tomat, saus pedas, atau kecap
  • Merica sesuai selera
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya
  • 2 piring Nasi putih
  • 2 siung Bawang putih
  • 2 butir Telur / sesuai selera
  • 2 Siung Bawang merah

Pelengkap : daging ayam, sosis, baksi, udang, nugget atau sesuai selera.

  • Haluskan bumbu-bumbu meliputi bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, merica, dan garam.
  • Tuangkan minyak goreng secukupnya ke dalam kuali lalu panaskan.
  • Setelah panas, masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan, aduk hingga tercium aroma harum.
  • Masukkan telur dan oseng hingga matang.
  • Masukkan bahan pelengkap sesuai selera anda, dan aduk hingga merata dan matang.
  • Masukkan nasi putih dan aduk hingga tercampur dengan semua bumbu dan bahan pelengkap.
  • Jika tercium bau harum, angkat nasi dan sajikan di atas piring.
  • Agar menarik nasi goreng telur spesial bisa ditambahkan hiasan. Dan siap untuk disajikan.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman – How to Make Iced Cappuccino

Blended Iced Cappuccino


  • whipped cream (optional)
  • 1/2 cup of strong coffee
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • 1/4 cup of cream
  • 2 cup skim milk


  • First, brew a cup of coffee and let it cool.
  • Then, put the ice cubes in the blender and pour the coffee over them.
  • Next, add milk, sugar, and cream.
  • After that, blend them all on medium speed until the ice is completely crushed.
  • Next, pour the mixture into a glass.
  • Finally, top it off with whipped cream.

Cara Membuat Kapucino Es Blend


  • whipped cream (opsional)
  • 1/2 secangkir kopi kental
  • 3 sendok makan gula
  • 1 cangkir es batu
  • 1/4 cangkir krim
  • 2 cangkir susu skim

Petunjuk Penyajian

  • Pertama, seduh secangkir kopi dan biarkan dingin.
  • Kemudian, masukan es batu dalam blender dan tuangkan kopi.
  • Selanjutnya, tambahkan susu, gula, dan krim.
  • Setelah itu, campur mereka semua pada kecepatan sedang sampai es benar-benar hancur.
  • Berikutnya, tuangkan campuran ke dalam gelas.
  • Akhirnya, hias bagian atas permukaanya dengan whipped cream.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Makanan – How To Make Chicken Soup

How To Make Chicken Soup


  • 350 grams chicken chunk
  • 2carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • 5 stalks celery
  • 1 red tomato
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 spoons of cooking oil for sauteing


  • 5 onions
  • 2 garlic
  • 3 candlenuts
  • ½ teaspoon of pepper
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar


  • Combine the chicken and water. Clean the chicken then drain it.
  • Turn on the stove, stir-fry the spices and cooking oil.
  • Add water and wait until it boiling, then add the chicken.
  • While chicken is simmering, prepare the vegetables: peel the carrots and potatoes. Chop into a few chunks.
  • Add the vegetables to the soup.Roughly 30 minutes then add tomato and celery.
  • Turn off the stove and chicken soup is ready to be served.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Do Something – How To Make A Pencil Box

How To Make A Pencil Box

What you need:

  • An empty plastic bottle of water
  • A sharp cutter
  • A piece of white of colorful paper
  • Some glue
  • Some paint


  • Wash the plastic bottle and make sure it has been clean when you use it
  • Cut the bottle into two halves
  • Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper
  • If you use white paper, use a paint to color it
  • Now, your pencil box is ready to use

Contoh Procedure Text How To Use – How To Use Camera

How To Use Camera

You need :

  • A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
  • The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)

Steps :

  • Handle the camera and turn on it
  • Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view
  • When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.
  • Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
  • After that, press shutter all the way down.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Use – How To Use Rice Cooker

How To Use Rice Cooker

You need :

  • Rice cooker

Directions :

  • Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices.
  • Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the overfill line.
  • Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminum foil.
  • Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer, which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain from lifting the lid to check on it.
  • When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound.

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Brownies – How to Make Blackforest Cake

How to Make Blackforest Cake


  • 7 eggs
  • 1 tea spoon of baking powder
  • 1 ½ glass of flour
  • 1 glass of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of chocolate powder
  • 2 tablespoon of melted chocolate
  • 250 gram of melted butter


  • Prepare a big bowl, pour eggs, baking powder and sugar.
  • Mix them till smooth
  • Pour the melted chocolate, chocolate powder and melted butter.
  • Stir well with the spatula
  • After you prepare the baking pan which cover with the butter and flour, pour the dough into it
  • Bake it for 30 minutes
  • The blackforest cake is ready to be served

Contoh Procedure Text How To Do Something – How To Make A Kite

How To Make A Kite

Materials :

  • 3 pieces of cane
  • Thread
  • Large sheet of strong paper (e.g. tissue)
  • Soft pencil
  • Scissors
  • Paint and paintbrush
  • Glue
  • Strong string
  • Procedure :
  • The Frame
  • Dampen the cane to make flexible
  • Carefully, bend the cane to desired shape then tie securely with thread

The Covering

  • Lay the frame on sheet of paper
  • Trace around frame with pencil
  • Cut covering approximately 1 cm larger than the outline
  • Paint bird on covering (e.g. bowl)
  • When paint is dry, place the frame on unpainted side.
  • Now, fold edges of covering over the frame carefully, and glue them down.

The Bridle

  • Cut 3 pieces of string, each 20 cm long.
  • Secure one end of each string tightly to frame at the shoulders and tail of the bird.
  • Then, tie the other ends in a knot.

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Benda – How To Operate TV

How To Operate TV

Instructions :

  • Plug the cable television into electricity
  • After that, press the power button to turn on the television
  • Wait untill the televison show the picture
  • Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote.
  • Set the volume use the remote or button volume
  • Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button

Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Benda – How To Call Person

How To Call Person

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

  • Press the 'power' button.
  • Search the name of the person that you want to call in contact list or press the number you want to call
  • Press the call button (green button)
  • Wait until the other accept your call
  • Start the conversation.
  • Press the 'Call Off' button to end the conversation (red button)

Cara Melakukan Panggilan Handphone

Jika kamu ingin menelepon seseorang, ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:

  • Tekan tombol 'power'.
  • Cari nama orang yang ingin anda telepon pada daftar kontak atau tekan nomor yang anda ingin telepon
  • Tekan tombol panggil (tombol hijau)
  • Tunggu hingga yang lain menerima panggilan anda
  • Mulai obrolan
  • Tekan tombol 'Call Off' untuk mengakhiri percakapan (tombol merah)

Contoh Procedure Text Beserta Gambarnya dan Artinya – How to serve Koko Crunch

How to serve Koko Crunch


  • A package of Koko Krunch
  • A glass of hot water
  • Steps:
  • Open the packaging lid
  • Take a spoon and milk in plastic packaging
  • Open the coco crunch then input into a plastic cup
  • Open the milk then sprinkle into the cup
  • Add hot water to taste
  • Stir until evenly
  • Serve

Cara Menyajikan Koko Crunch


  • Satu box Koko Krunch
  • Susu
  • Segelas air hangat


  • Buka kemasan tutup
  • Ambil sendok dan susu dalam kemasan plastik
  • Buka koko crunch kemudian masukan ke dalam cangkir plastik
  • Buka susu lalu siramkan ke dalam cangkir
  • Tambahkan air hangat secukupnya
  • Aduk sampai merata
  • Sajikan

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Brownies

How To Make Brownies

Ingredients :

  • 200grams butter
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


  • Turn the oven to 180C and line a 30x20cm tin with baking paper (or grease it).
  • In a medium sized saucepan, put the butter and cocoa. Melt it gently and make
  • sure you don't boil it.
  • Add the sugar and the vanilla, and stir it in well.
  • Take the mixture off the heat and sift in the flour. Stir it in well.
  • Add the eggs, beating them in really well.
  • If using them, add the chopped walnuts and stir them in,
  • Spread the mixture in the tin. Bake for 20 – 25minutes.

Contoh Procedure Text Beserta Gambarnya dan Artinya – How To Make Meatballs

How to Make Meatballs

How To Make Orange Juice Procedure Text Messages


  • 1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper
  • 300 grams of tapioca-flour
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 eggs

These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs, just meatball. The soup is made separately.

  • Mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
  • Next, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
  • Then, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
  • After that, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
  • Next step, roll the mixture into small meatballs.
  • Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface, they are ready to serve.

Cara Membuat Bakso

Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Orange Juice Dan Artinya


  • 1 kilo daging cincang sangat halus (sebaiknya daging sapi)
  • 1 sendok teh lada putih
  • 300 gram tepung tapioka
  • 2 sendok teh garam
  • 4-8 siung bawang putih
  • 1 bawang merah
  • 2 butir telur

Langkah-langkah ini adalah cara membuat bakso, hanya baksonya. Supnya dibuat secara terpisah.

  • Campur bawang putih, bawang merah, garam, dan merica putih dalam mortar atau mixer.
  • Selanjutnya, campurkan rempah-rempah dengan telur, tepung tapioka dan daging cincang.
  • Kemudian, gunakan jari-jari Anda, tambahkan secangkir air, dan terus bekerja sampai campuran terasa lembut dan halus.
  • Setelah itu, rebus air dalam panci yang agak besar, setidaknya sekitar 2 liter.
  • Langkah selanjutnya, menggulung adonan menjadi bakso kecil-kecil.
  • Terakhir, masukan bakso ke dalam air mendidih. Ketika mereka mengapung ke permukaan, mereka siap untuk disajikan.

Baca juga Procedure Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Nah, itulah penjelasan mengenai contoh procedure text mulai dari pengertian, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan. Kami juga memberikan contoh procedure text beserta gambar dan artinya, contoh procedure text tentang makanan, minuman, benda, contoh procedure text how to use, contoh procedure text how to do something.

Catatan : Untuk 2 contoh lainnya sedang dalam proses pembuatan.

Oke sekian dulu postingan tentang contoh2 dua puluh dua procedure text kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

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Text Procedure How To Make Orange Juice

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